Category: Uncategorized

  • Pathologies of Huntington’s Disease

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system, causing progressive degeneration of neurons in the brain. It is caused by a mutation in the huntingtin gene, which leads to the accumulation of a toxic protein called mutant huntingtin. The pathologies of Huntington’s disease are characterized by several key features, including: Overall,…

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  • Characteristic of Nervous System

    The nervous system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinates and controls the activities of the body. It is characterized by several key features, including: Overall, the nervous system is a highly complex and sophisticated system that allows for the integration and processing of information, coordination of bodily functions, and adaptation…

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  • Reactive Astrogliosis

    Reactive astrogliosis is a process by which astrocytes, a type of glial cell in the central nervous system, respond to injury, inflammation, or disease. It is a complex cellular reaction that involves a range of morphological and functional changes in astrocytes and plays a key role in the response to various forms of neural injury…

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  • Regulation of Extracellular Space Volume

    The extracellular space (ECS) volume is the fluid-filled space outside of cells in tissues and organs. The regulation of ECS volume is critical for maintaining proper cell function, as changes in ECS volume can affect nutrient and oxygen delivery, waste removal, and signaling between cells. There are several mechanisms involved in the regulation of ECS…

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  • Clearance of Neurotransmitters

    Clearance of neurotransmitters is the process by which neurotransmitters are removed from the synaptic cleft following their release from presynaptic neurons. This process is critical for regulating synaptic activity and maintaining proper communication between neurons. There are several mechanisms involved in the clearance of neurotransmitters, including: Overall, the clearance of neurotransmitters is a critical process…

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  • Ionic Homeostasis

    Ionic homeostasis refers to the maintenance of the proper balance of ions (charged particles) within cells and in the extracellular fluid surrounding cells. The proper balance of ions is crucial for the proper functioning of cells and for the regulation of physiological processes. Some of the key ions involved in ionic homeostasis include sodium (Na+),…

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  • Maintenance of Synapses

    Synapses are the connections between neurons that allow for the transmission of information in the nervous system. The maintenance of synapses is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the regulation of behavior and physiological processes. There are several key mechanisms involved in the maintenance of synapses, including: Overall, the maintenance of…

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  • Maturation

    Maturation refers to the natural process of growth and development that occurs over time in living organisms. It is a complex and multifaceted process that involves various physiological, psychological, and social changes. In humans, maturation begins at conception and continues throughout the lifespan, but is particularly rapid during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. During these stages,…

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  • Neuronal Functions

    Neurons are specialized cells in the nervous system that transmit and process information through electrical and chemical signals. The functions of neurons are diverse and complex, and include: Overall, the functions of neurons are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and for maintaining the overall health and well-being of the organism.

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  • Brain Circuitry

    Brain circuitry refers to the intricate network of interconnected neurons in the brain that are responsible for processing information, generating behavior, and maintaining homeostasis. The circuitry is organized in a hierarchical manner, with different levels of processing that enable increasingly complex behaviors. At the most basic level, sensory information is received by sensory neurons in…

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